Monday, January 18, 2010

Jake Hushka Post 1- "Getting to Know Me"

Hello Class I am Jake Hushka, as you have saw in the video above. I figured I would follow up the video with a little more general information. I received my undergraduate in Finance at both Monmouth College and Western Illionois University. During my years at both schools I played for the football program. I graduated in 2006 from Western Illinois. Upon graduation I back packed through Europe, specifically Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, for most of the summer. This happened to be one of the greatest experiences of my life and was one of the major reasons I decided to participate in this program. I began working at MB Financial in January of 2007 in the Indirect Lending department. I specifically deal with Harley Loans nationwide and communicate with Financing managers on a daily basis. I entered the St. Xavier MBA program in January of 2008. I am in the last semester of my master's in Management and I am really contemplating enrolling in the fall to get add'l degree in Accounting or Financial Analysis.

Upon the start of the new year, my company recently enrolled me in the Leadership Development Program. So on top of the classes I will taking at SXU, I will also be taking classes one to twice a week at work until the summer. At the present time this seems very overwhelming to me, but I am sure with some organization I will be able to get through both programs.

I just recently purchased a condo in Tinley Park and have been living there for about 6 months. One thing that I came to a quick realization of is the responsibilities that follow being a homeowner, specifically nonstop cleaning and endless laundry. If I would have known this ahead of time, I may have milked living at home for few months longer, maybe even years, HA!

I consider myself a pretty easy going, role with the punches kind of guy. I enjoy almost all music, movies, and reading several different categories of books. My favorite sport is football, which is hard to stand these days in Chicago. But the Blackhawks of provided some stress relief and enjoyable viewing experiences.

Some characteristics I would assume that would be important to the trip are: I am an early to rise and mostly early to bed, 11pm, type of individual. On this trip I assume I will be doing alot less sleeping than in the past, because the vast amount of experiences that will be available to us. I consider myself a pretty quiet sleeper, so hopefully I do not fall under Jim's category of the loud one of the group. I am up for pretty much everything on the trip, sight seeing at nite, shopping in the morning, meeting with a local family, and of course the great amount of culture and knowledge the business representative will pass down to us. I look forward very much to meeting each and everyone of you. And most of all I look forward to trip. I can not wait to see what experiences await us abroad. Have a great day everyone and look forward to our next class session.


  1. Great...that is quite an enjoyable read. Welcome to the course blog-site. Unfortunately, the video did not work for me. I will be emailing you all the instructions for uploading videos; however in this case it could be my computer (some filters I am not aware of).
    Take care.

  2. Wow, all these wonderful traveling stories. I'm excited for everyone to share their experiences with me since I've not been as fortunate to have had the chance to travel like everyone else. Great profile.

  3. Managed to view the video. It was fun.
    Your grade for this blog is 10 points.
