Monday, January 18, 2010

Jake Hushka Post 2- "Brits Get Rich Part 1-3"

First Impressions:

I am amazed at the exponential migration that is currently occurring in China and believe the video quotes it as the biggest migration in history. It is amazing that millions of citizens are moving from rural areas to the city for the simple opportunity of so called "better employment." This issue alone stresses the problems China has with it's economic enviroment. The country has a billion people, whom all have to compete for low wages, long hours, and unfavorable working conditions. Some would say that this is a direct result of the political policies throughout China, but I believe it drives competition throughout the world. It seems as though the toughest, most cultured, and knowledgeable business men/women will be the most successful, not just in China, but worldwide. My one concern is the trademark and copyright laws throughout the country. Any businessman or company can embark on a great idea or product, but still has the same chance as any to have it stolen by a competitor. This leads to the determination that you must always be on the cutting edge of the business world and be willing to get dirty as Vance has in the videos.

3 Brits trying to make it in China’s Economy:

I believe that Vance is the saviest and most cut throat of the 3 Brits in the videos. He understands the concept that he sells cheap Chinese kitchen’s in Britain, which is why he wants the best quality product for the lowest price. He is also somewhat head strong towards the culture of the people he is dealing with and always believes that they are trying to trick him in some way. This attitude seems to work for his business plan though. He has the capital and intelligence to back his arrogance, and I believe that he will be the most successful of the 3 Brit’s.

Tony comes off as resentful to the country and culture of China. The Chinese have drove his company in Britain into the ground, and I feel that he believes that by moving his operations to China his business plan will succeed none the less. He does not give himself a chance to succeed in this country, because he is not educated in the economical, social, and cultural issues that surround him. His business partner has backed out of the position before the warehouse has finished construction. The individual who took her position was a family reference and did not instill any confidence in myself. Tony also seems to be more worried about individuals stealing his designs at the trade shows, when in fact his concentration should be on completion of the factory and lining up sales. I believe that he will need to either higher the appropriate parties to help facilitate construction or he will ultimately fail.

Peter is the least competent businessman of all three Brits. He believes that his British charm, clothing, and attitude will sell his product. In fact, his product is ingenious and seems as though would be a break through for the country. When you pair this with the ignorance he has for the culture and economics of the country, it seems as though he is doomed for failure. I believe Peter should try to sell his product to a big company as soon as possible. I do not believe he has the aptitude to compete with the competitor’s within China’s market, and could ultimately have his product stolen from him.


  1. Jake, your posts are very detailed and well thought out. One suggestion I have is to write you name in the posting title as it is easy to figure out whose post it is without having to scroll down. Plus, it will help me sort all the posts later by names. So, if you dont mind editing all your posts (including your first intro post) and add your name, it would be helpful.

  2. Your grade for this post is 5 points.
