Monday, January 18, 2010

Post #2 About Me

Hi Everyone,

So a little about me:

  • I am a second year MBA student and will graduate in May
  • My major is marketing
  • I earned my undergrad degree at DePaul -I was a full time student and worked full time during the day and still managed to have a pretty active social life which included mentoring and tutoring foster children, political campaigning for a Chicago alderman, volunteering at the Chicago History museum, etc.
  • I began working in healthcare right after high school - in total, I have almost 11 years of experience working in this industry
  • I worked on the non-profit side of healthcare for the first 10 years and desperately needed a change. I was a Senior Financial Assessor at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and worked with a wide range of patients, from the homeless to local Chicago celebrities such as Oprah and Roger Ebert, and was instrumental in developing and implementing the financial assistance program and the CSEP program.
  • I left Northwestern for a position as a Contract Consultant at Humana Inc, on the profit side of healthcare, a.k.a. "the dark side".
  • It took 10 months for me to finally decide I was done with healthcare and needed to pursue my real interest, marketing and advertising. So, I quit my job, returned to school to earn my MBA and began temping to supplement the savings I was using to live off of while I earned my degree.
  • I hit it off with the first company I temped for and I was offered a full time position as an Administrative Assistant with the understanding that I would be moved into the Human Resources department as soon as a position was approved.
  • I was moved to Human Resources but unfortunately, this company was severely effected by the economy and I was laid off months later.
  • People who say sometimes the best thing that could happen to you is getting laid off are right.
  • I've had time to assess my life and consider what really makes me happy and what I really want out of life.
  • After graduation I would like to start my own company. I am currently taking steps towards that goal now and hope to be up and running by fall.
  • Another goal I have is to finally take time to travel to Europe and meet my relatives who live in the Czech Republic. For one reason or another, I have never met this branch of my family and have only corresponded by e-mail.
  • Aside from traveling to Europe to meet my family, I have put together an extensive plan for travel to several other countries that I hope to execute once I know my business is secure
  • I usually have a plan B if plan A doesn't work - in the case of my career, my plan B right now only consists of doing what ever it takes to keep me from being trapped in a cubicle behind a computer.
  • I plan to uphold my commitment to identifying and eliminating things in my life that cause me unhappiness and actively acquiring what does provide me happiness.
  • Regarding hobbies and interests, here they are: skiing (you should see me on the bunny hills!), hiking, biking, reading (fiction is fun but I prefer non fiction - there are too many great stories to be told about real people and real events - I am currently reading The Life of Olaudah Equiano), foreign films (love them!), live theatre, travel, learning languages ( I have taken classes for Spanish, Italian, French and Polish but I'm not fluent in any of them!), I'm learning to sew and will be taking a gourmet cooking class soon but have started to test my skills on my own and I'm not so bad of a cook! I love pilates and have been meditating and love to drink tea. I have started a tea set collection and spend too much money on loose teas. I am a big fan of Edith Piaf, Hershey Felder and Chopin and I am probably the only person my age blasting their music in my car. Most of all, I am an aunt to 12 nieces and nephews and I love to spend time doing fun kid stuff with them.


  1. informative about you...inspired to write one of my own as be on the lookout everybody.

    BTW, put your photograph when you get a chance.

  2. Nice! I look forward to getting to know you more during our class sessions and our trip.

  3. Danelle, Very informative entry as it provides a good insight into who you as a person. Your grade for this post is 5.

  4. Is there a post 1? I could not find it.

  5. My first post was added as a comment to the post called "Welcome to Our Blog". The post is in reference to the videos you posted. There are about 9 comments in total from me and other students. I think at the time those comments were posted no one was sure how to use the blog properly. I will copy and paste my response into a new post and label it as my 1st post.
