Monday, January 18, 2010


Hello Everyone,
I graduated with my Marketing, B.B.A. from SXU December 2008. Three weeks later I started the Marketing MBA Program. I joined this course because I wanted to learn more about international business. I have also never been outside of the United States. My long run goals including working within the marketing industry, and obtaining my Ph.D. in Marketing.

I am currently interning with the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) as an Administrative Aide. I have been with this department for almost 2 years. I am also one of two Graduate Assistants for the Graham School of Management. I am the President of the Business Student Association (BSA). If you are interested in joining, please feel free to contact me.

In the past, I have interned with the Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in their Marketing and Special Events department. I have also served as Polling Place Administrator during elections.

Random Facts About Me:
  • My biggest dreams includes retiring in a nice house with a bowling alley and movie theater in the basement, having a cat and dog, and traveling around the world.
  • I am a first generation college student
  • I graduated from High School, Undergrad, and Grad (May 2010) early
  • I love Football (Go Brett Farve! -- Sorry Bears Fans, I am from Chicago)
  • I am Aquarius
  • I enjoy cooking and trying new cuisines
  • My immediate family (including myself) can play an instrument or has a musical talent
  • My favorite color is blue
  • My favorite author is James Patterson
I hope that this information has given you a general idea of who am I. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our next class meeting.

See you soon,


  1. FYI.

    The Photo I put up shows me in Washington DC for the 2009 Inauguration. I was able to join 8 of my fellow SXU students for this journey. I'm the one in the silver.... smiling ear to ear.

  2. Hey Brittne, Welcome...good intro piece. We need to talk soon to finalize the BSA video conferencing meeting as time constraints made it difficult to hash out the details.
    BTW, I will be sending an instruction document for uploading video etc. to all via blackboard.

  3. Keep up the great work. I am also a first generation college student and I'm very proud of it because I know this will not only help me but also the future generations.

  4. Your grade for this post is 4 points.
