Saturday, January 16, 2010

George Post 2 - Get to know me

Hi Class

Hey class, my name is George. In case you would like to put a face with the name – I am the old guy who was sitting behind our professor in class today.

I’ve attended SXU since late 2007. This is my last class in the MBA program. My concentration is Management; so International Management seemed liked a good fit as my elective.

As you heard from Jim, our guest speaker, I work for McDonald’s, at the Home Office in Oak Brook. I am with the U.S. Operations group. Prior to Home Office I worked for the McDonald’s Rocky Mountain Region, as a Field Service Manager, assisting Owner Operators and Company stores improve their overall business results. In my current job I utilize my field experience to assist our engineers and suppliers create new equipment to improve our current products as well as offer new products. An example is the automatic espresso machine that we developed enabling us to offer our new McCafe beverages.

So why am I taking this class. Well first of all I had to make a difficult choice, foregoing a class I had been looking forward to taking; for the last two years; “Managing High Performance Teams” with Bruce Lipman as the instructor. If you haven’t taken a class from Bruce I highly recommend you do before you finish up at SXU. Is focus is on practical application of learning in an interactive, stress free environment. The following points should explain why I decided to take our class.

1) Although I am approaching retirement, I’m not sure I am the retiring type. Earning an MBA is preparing me for an Encore career. Since I’m not sure what that career could be, I consider this class an exploration exercise into what seems to be a very interesting possibility, International Business.

2) As part of my McDonald’s twenty year career I worked outside the U.S. I lived in Puerto Rico for three years, experiencing the Caribbean countries and Central America. I enjoyed the diversity of the Latin cultures. I believe that we are now entrenched in a global economy. Understanding other cultures is essential in this environment. This class will provide me the incentive and opportunity to better understand and appreciate Asian culture, history as well as the future of China and how it will impact all of Asia.

3) The world has changed. From an economic and cultural perspective the U.S. ruled the 20th Century. I am hoping an outcome of our studies is to gain insight of what the 21st Century will hold for the U.S. as it is impacted by the changes in China.

4) The center of the political climate of my life has been the Cold War - Capitalism Vs Communism. I clearly remember the Cuban Missile Crisis and how the uncertainty of global destruction affected my family and friends. This is my first opportunity to meet people who lived on the other side, under communism. I hope to better understand what that actually means from their perspective. Also to understand how their life differs from ours.

5) Can a communist government rule a capitalistic economy? This will certainly be a read between the lines exercise.

6) I took a Finance class with Jim and over ten weeks he sold me on what a great experience he had taking this class and making the trip to China. Jim’s and Shawn’s presentation today only reinforced my decision.

7) Best of all McDonald’s is paying for my trip!

On the personal side my wife’s name is Susan; we met in high school and have been married almost forty years. We have three sons as well as five grand children all of whom I am anxious to share my China experience with, once they are at the appropriate age.

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you, while we share a fantastic experience.

PS – I am adventuresome enough to make the trip to China but I don’t know about eating the food!! I am a meat and potatoes guy. Since I don’t even care for “good” American gourmet meals I can’t imagine that I can deal with bugs and eels. I will either need your support or understanding as well as a map to the local McDonald’s.


  1. Great introduction, George. Please do post a photo of yourself so that we can actually put a face to the blog.

  2. Hi George. I am also worried about trying the food. However, we only live once, and I will be willing to give you the thumbs up or down. Everyone should take turns trying something... Spread the risks.

    It's been very nice getting to know you.

  3. Although everyone seems great, I'm starting to feel a bit intimidated due to everyone having so much traveling experience and being exposed to so much. I feel like I've been living under a rock for too long. I'm glad that it is never too late to start the journey. I'm also glad that I will have the chance to share this traveling experience with this class.
