Friday, February 19, 2010

Nanzi Flores, Post 5, Google, Inc.

Google, Inc.
From a business perspective one of the pros would be that they would have a better chance at increasing their market share and reach more people in China. By entering China they could also repair their tarnished image of being unreliable and slow. Potential advertising revenues would also stand to increase also if the connection was made. On the other hand the number of features that they would be able to provide to end users would not be as extensive as in other countries and in a sense the profit they would make in said market could be capped to a smaller amount.

The most obvious argument against entering China is that doing so would go against Google's core values of providing, "unbiased, accurate and free access to information" for those who rely on them. Everything they have on their "China Servers" and whatnot would be censored. From an ethical perspective and argument for entering the Chinese search market can be that, "having a service with links that work and omits a fractional number is better than having a service that is not available at all." This way they are at least still holding true somewhat to their mission of looking out for the best interest of their users.

What I think Google needs to do is start with a marketing campaign to make themselves relevant in present day China. They could run some commercials with maybe a couple having breakfast and talking about some TV show and one could say, "oh my where did you see that?" to which the other would reply, "I saw it on Google TV" and make the Google in brush stroke letters with the Google colors. Make their name something that the average Chinese person recognizes by sponsoring different events and getting their name out there more. A drawback to this would be that they would not be fully living up to their mission but perhaps their mission in China can be slightly different. Perhaps they can focus on activities that are most popular in China like downloading music, playing online games, watching TV shows and movies.

I think Google should focus on the things the average Chinese person is interested in and develop them the way they would any other program. They should do as Baidu has done and offer different services like entertainment. The article states that the Chinese use Google to search sources outside China perhaps various Chinese texts could be uploaded on to Google books and then promoted as the library that you can take all over China.

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas for promoting Google in China. However, the issue is less about giving the Google brand visibility but more about whether it is worthwhile entering the Chinese market without compromising their core values. That is a touch dilemma.
    Your grade 5 points.
