Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bukky Reposting Response to Brits make it Rich in China (Post 2of3)

Peter - a retire army officer who had developed an energy saving product that had a huge potential of making millions of dollars. Though he came to China very optimistic, he soon learnt doing business in China was not the same as in the western world. He had tried to go on his own but he soon realize he needed a Chinese business partner if he was going to sell even one unit of his product. He was of course concerned about copyright infringements and the possibility of the Chinese stealing his trade secret and producing millions of his product before he yet had the opportunity to sell even one unit. He had to partner with Mr. Cecil a local business man who told him doing business in China was like the "wild, wild west". I have to agree with him and reinforce the fact that doing business in any 3rd world country is indeed like the wild, wild west. It is a survival of the fittest. Indeed a "dog eat dog" mentality. Peter had to take a leap of faith which paid off in the end. Mr. Cecil did business the Chinese way and got the job done. Though he disappeared for a while without communicating with Peter ( this is a very common practice in 3rd world countries), "now you see me, now you don't. Peter learns doing business with the Chinese and in any emerging economy is a waiting game. You have to be very patient because the people do not move at the pace of the western world. Hopfully, while you are waiting, they are geting the job done like Mr. Cecil.
January 19, 2010 6:10 PM

1 comment:

  1. good work. You earned full points (5) for this text post.
