Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello Everyone,
The movie that I selected starred Jackie Chan, and is entitled the Shinjuku Incident. It is one of his more serious roles, as the genre is Crime Drama. I must say that I prefer this movie over his movies that released in the US (with the exception of the first Rush Hour). I completed some research, and I do know that the producers had difficulty getting the movie released in China because of censorship issues. Most areas in China do not have the movie rating system that we use in the US (i.e. PG, R, G, PG-13, etc.); therefore, the movie would have been released to all audiences, including children. I tried to highlight the central theme and topics in the video that is posted above. I must say that I was very naive about the racism that exist within the Asia culture itself. The movie highlights the causes and effects of the racism between the Japanese and Chinese populations. It appears that Japan is currently dealing with the same issues that the United States is faced with today (i.e. increased crime, immigration, racism, etc.). However, the movie does an excellent job of highlighting the perspective of the immigrants and why they choose to resort to crime and other extreme measures.

One thing that really bothered me about the film was their portrayal of Western women. I noticed that they never displayed the Japanese or Chinese women as being sexual, but immediately highlighted that about the Western women. It made me wonder where that stereotype came from (i.e. US movies, music, etc.).

I also took several Japanese history and language courses, so I was extremely happy to watch a Chinese/Japanese movie. It was interesting to hear the differences in their languages. I also laughed a a particular scene when the translator could not understand what the Chinese men were saying because the hundreds of dialects that they use in China. It reminded me of the very first video we watched for the course, "The Brits Get Rich in China".

I don't want to ruin the movie by explaining too much, so please enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to note that you provide a text blog as well as took a video with your voice-over. I cannot read the sheet in the video beyond the movie topic but I laud your efforts of trying something new. Next time, it might help you video yourself speaking rather than the voice over posted here. Your grade is 7 based on the assessment rubric (Organization -1, Content knowledge-1, Grammar & spelling-2, readability-1, references-2)
