Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kelly -Post 3- China warns on Meeting with Dalai Lama

China Warns U.S. on Meeting With Dalai Lama


Published: February 2, 2010

BEIJING — A senior Chinese official strongly warned President Obama on Tuesday against meeting with the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of the Tibetans, saying it would damage relations between China and the United States.

The official, Zhu Weiqun, said any country would suffer consequences if its leaders met with the Dalai Lama, whom China considers to be a dangerous separatist. Mr. Zhu did not elaborate on what actions China could take.

But a White House spokesman said the president’s plans were unchanged. “The president told China’s leaders during his trip last year that he would meet with the Dalai Lama, and he intends to do so,” said the spokesman, Bill Burton, speaking aboard Air Force One as it flew Mr. Obama to New Hampshire for an event.

“To be clear,” he added, “the U.S. considers Tibet to be a part of China. We have human rights concerns about the treatment of Tibetans. We urge the government of China to protect the unique cultural and religious traditions of Tibet.”

Last autumn, when the Dalai Lama visited the United States, Mr. Obama declined to meet with him to avoid angering China before Mr. Obama’s trip to Beijing, in November.

Both Mr. Obama and the Dalai Lama are Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

Mr. Zhu, who is the executive vice director of the United Front Work Department, the arm of the Chinese Communist Party that oversees ethnic policy, made his remarks at a morning news conference, according to Xinhua, the state news agency. The purpose of the conference was to give details on recent negotiations between the Chinese government and envoys of the Dalai Lama, in which China rejected demands for greater Tibetan autonomy.

Any move by American leaders to meet the Dalai Lama will “harm others but bring no profit to itself, either,” Mr. Zhu said.

Despite Mr. Obama’s earlier overtures to Beijing, tensions between the United States and China have been on the rise.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton recently chastised China in a speech she gave in which she denounced Internet censorship. Last Friday, the United States announced sales of $6.4 billion of arms to Taiwan, the self-governing island that China says is a rebel province. In response, China said it would break off military-to-military ties with the United States and impose sanctions against the American companies that make the arms.

China usually criticizes any prominent figure who meets with the Dalai Lama.

In 2007, despite furious objections from China, President George W. Bush met privately with the Dalai Lama in Washington and was present at a ceremony at which Congress awarded the exiled Tibetan leader its highest civilian honor. China called the event a farce.

A decade earlier, President Bill Clinton informally greeted the Dalai Lama at the White House and said he would urge China to open talks with him, but the two leaders did not meet formally.
In 2008 China protested a meeting between the Dalai Lama and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France. It hinted that it would impose economic sanctions against France but never did.

China considers sovereignty issues like the status of Tibet and Taiwan to be what officials call the nation’s “core interests.” Few things anger the Chinese government more than the perceived intervention of foreign countries in these matters. Tibet, always a thorny foreign policy issue for the Communist Party, became even more so after an uprising exploded across Tibetan regions of western China in March 2008.

The Dalai Lama, 74, lives in India and says he wants only “genuine autonomy” for Tibet, not independence.

The latest meeting between his envoys and Chinese officials ended over the weekend. It was the ninth round of talks since 2002, and Chinese officials restated their rejection of the Dalai Lama’s call for greater autonomy for the Tibetans.

Mr. Zhu said Tuesday that the Dalai Lama was not a legal representative of the six million Tibetans in China and that China would discuss with the envoys only the status of the Dalai Lama, not the future of Tibet.

I chose this article from the New York Times, it was just published yesterday. I thought this was interesting because it clearly shows how adamant China is against President Obama meeting with the Dalai Lama. As I started reading the article I realized I was going to have to do a little research of my own and investigate the full story behind the Dalai Lama and why he is considered by China to be a "dangerous separatist."

Upon doing some research I found China being a communist country dislikes the Dalai Lama because he has such moral authority to convince many people that the Chinese version of history is not truthful. The Dalai Lama, along with millions of people inside and outside of Tibet believe that Tibet should be considered an autonomous country even though it was invaded by China. Due to his views, he has been exiled from China.

This view is now still a conflict of interest between the United States and China mostly because the opinions vary greatly. The United States believes the Dalai Lama to be as George Bush said, "a shepherd of the faithful" believing that the people of Tibet should celebrate their religious freedom and views. The Chinese however feel the Dalai Lama "splits the motherland."

Now according to the article, tensions are rising between the United States and China since President Obama has explained to China's leaders that he is going to meet with the Dalai Lama. This could prove to further damage the relationship between the U.S. and China especially since China is still recovering from Hillary Clinton's remark about interenet censorship in China.

With China becoming a superpower, I just wonder what affect this damage will cause in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting choice of article and well thought out observations. I also note the additional research you conducted; however, you need to cite your source of information. Your grade for this post is 4 points.
