Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nanzi Flores - Post 8

The Changing Face of the Planet:

The growth and spread of international companies is changing the face of the planet. As exhibited by the two major food chains (McDonald's and Pizza Hut) found side by side in downtown Shanghai. As we move into the future, we will see more commonality in food, clothing, architecture, and a wide range of cultural aspects. Even in music, while the words may speak the local language, the background music and instrumentation is becoming less culturally distinct.

My comments:
I read this information regarding the changing face of the Planet earlier this year but for some reason I didn’t believe that so many international companies were doing business in China. I hear so much of how China doesn’t want to comply with World Trade Organization laws and how hard it is to do business in China and so on and so on. For this reason as I mentioned earlier, I never imagined that so many businesses would be established in China. However, I noticed during my trip to China that there is large amount of International companies doing business in China. I noticed they had Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonald’s, Starbucks, 7-Eleven to name a few of the many, many international businesses I saw in China. I truly was amazed at seeing so many International companies and started to wonder how these businesses were able to make a profit in a country were the salaries are so low?! I guess China is slowly but surely rising to the top.

1 comment:

  1. Good topic. My comments for the last blog apply here as well.
    Your grade = 3 points.
